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About Me

Hello and Welcome to BodyTalk Bathurst!  


My name is Regina Bonassi and I absolutely LOVE and ADORE The BodyTalk System™.


Having been a Personal Trainer, Rehabilitation, Movement and Lifestyle Coach for 17 years, I found myself completely floored by pneumonia and then diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia on my 40th birthday!


With my life as I knew it turned on its head, I began the quest to change my life and a set of belief systems that bound me, ever so tightly, to my way of existing! Fast forward 20 years .... and I am so grateful to have arrived at a space that embraces and nurtures my new way of being!


I initially came across BodyTalk after reading an article that resonated so deeply within me, that I was compelled to find out more about its author! When I reviewed the author I noticed she was a BodyTalk Practitioner, I became curious and found myself delving into everything I could find on

The BodyTalk System™.


The intellect, sophistication and powerful techniques of The BodyTalk System™ have given me so many beautiful gifts, the best ones being a taste of life without the mind mess of Anorexia, Chronic Insomnia, Anxiety and Panic Attacks, and relief from the residual symptoms of Fibromyalgia, all while continually clearing of a set of Belief Systems that was my driving force ....

my way of existing for sooooo many years!


So, I find myself here .... a dedicated Certified BodyTalk Practitioner with a following of beautiful Clients who also LOVE and ADORE BodyTalk.


I feel completely blessed to have the opportunity to integrated and share

The BodyTalk System™ 'Whole Healthcare' with YOU!


I look forward to chatting and meeting with you very soon!


Big Smiles .. Regina 
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